Psychological Safety-Tips for Managers

25 July 2024
sychological afety-ips for anagers

Key Strategies for Providing Psychological Safety

Model Vulnerability:
  • Actions: Share your own mistakes and learning experiences.
  • Example: During meetings, openly discuss challenges you’ve faced and how you addressed them.
Encourage Open Dialogue:
  • Actions: Actively invite and value input from all team members.
  • Example: Use inclusive language and ask for opinions during discussions, ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute.
Respond Constructively:
  • Actions: React positively to all feedback and ideas, even if they are critical or differ from your own views.
  • Example: Acknowledge contributions with phrases like, "That’s an interesting perspective," and build on them.
Create Safe Spaces for Discussion:
  • Actions: Establish environments where team members feel comfortable sharing thoughts without judgment.
  • Example: Hold regular, informal meetings (e.g., "Coffee with the Manager") to discuss ideas and concerns in a relaxed setting.
Promote Inclusive Practices:
  • Actions: Ensure all voices are heard, especially those who may be less outspoken.
  • Example: Use round-robin techniques in meetings to give everyone an equal opportunity to speak.
Establish Clear Norms:
  • Actions: Set and communicate clear expectations about respectful and supportive interactions.
  • Example: Develop team norms that emphasise respect, active listening, and constructive feedback.
Support Risk-Taking:
  • Actions: Encourage experimentation and view mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Example: Celebrate innovations and discuss what was learned from unsuccessful attempts without assigning blame.
Provide Regular Feedback:
  • Actions: Give and solicit feedback frequently, focusing on growth and development.
  • Example: Implement a 360-degree feedback system to ensure comprehensive and balanced feedback.
Recognise and Address Power Dynamics:
  • Actions: Be mindful of how power dynamics affect team interactions and address any imbalances.
  • Example: Empower junior team members by giving them leadership roles in projects.
Foster Team Connection:
  • Actions: Build strong interpersonal relationships within the team to enhance trust and collaboration.
  • Example: Organise team-building activities and encourage social interactions.

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