Key Strategies for Handling External Conflicts with Customers

02 October 2024
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10 practical solutions to effectively handle external conflicts with your customers:


1️⃣ Pre-emptive Customer Engagement 

  • Regularly engage with customers to gather feedback and understand their evolving needs. By keeping an open line of communication, you can anticipate potential issues before they escalate into conflicts. This should be within the requirements of your customer; ask them what frequency and forum they would like to receive your feedback.


2️⃣ Establish Clear Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)  

  • This is an absolute definite. Define and document clear expectations around deliverables, timelines, and communication channels. When both parties have a shared understanding of service boundaries, conflicts can be minimised, and any disagreements can be swiftly addressed.


3️⃣ Adopt a Solution-Oriented Approach  

  • Instead of focusing on the problem, emphasise finding a mutually beneficial solution. Frame discussions around resolving the issue rather than assigning blame. This shifts the dynamic from adversarial to collaborative. Always have a 1-2 solutions in mind before bringing a potential problem or setback to your customer.


4️⃣ Create a Tiered Escalation Pathway 

  • Develop a structured escalation process that customers can follow when issues arise. This allows your team to address concerns at different levels of severity, ensuring that minor issues are resolved quickly, and complex problems receive the appropriate attention. At Blazing Moon, we have adopted a 5-tier format and we rarely get to a 5-critical, you want to operate in the lowest tier consistently.


5️⃣ Empower Frontline Employees 

  • Give customer-facing teams the authority to make decisions within defined parameters. Empowered employees can often defuse conflicts more effectively because they can respond promptly without needing managerial approval for every minor concern. This is so important to demonstrate your trust and collaborative leadership.


6️⃣ Build a Conflict-Resolution Culture  

  • Train teams to remain calm, patient, and empathetic during difficult conversations and show them how to remain consistent in their approach. Developing a culture that values conflict resolution as a learning opportunity fosters trust and reinforces long-term customer relationships.


7️⃣ Analyse Patterns in Customer Conflicts 

  • Identify recurring themes or issues that cause friction with customers. Use this analysis to implement proactive changes either in your own organisation or with your customer, whether it's improving communication, adjusting policies, or refining your service offerings.


8️⃣ Adopt a “Customer as Partner” Mindset 

  • This is my favourite ’go-to’ position! Position the customer as a partner rather than an revenue spinner. A mindset that views conflicts as joint challenges to overcome can foster deeper relationships, ensuring both parties work toward a shared goal. This will offer longevity to your customer relationships and repeat business.


9️⃣ Proactively Manage Customer Expectations 

  • Be transparent about what is feasible and what isn't. Managing expectations early prevents disappointments and reduces the likelihood of escalated conflicts. With this in mind, always drive yourself and your team/s to push the envelope on finding a feasible solution for your customers.


🔟 Stay Present and Show Accountability  

  • During difficult situations, take ownership and stay fully engaged until the issue is resolved. Demonstrating accountability and commitment, even when things go wrong, can transform a negative experience into a positive one. As a leader you will adopt this, but remember accountability is vital within your team dynamic as well.

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